This month I decided to ignore any hints other than knowing the theme, POWER. This month’s Power Loot Crate features items from The Avengers: Age of Ultron, The Avengers: Infinity War, World of Warcraft, and Dragonball. I figured that I’d rather be surprised.
Video Unboxing
Check out my video unboxing below.
Power Loot Crate Contents
Let’s see what’s inside this square-shaped box.
World of Warcraft T-Shirt – Just in time for the movie is a world of Warcraft Shirt that features the silhouettes of the films main characters.

Hulk Figure by Q-Pop – We get our Hulk fix with this figure since we didn’t see him in Captain America: Civil War.

Exclusive Intinity Gauntlet Oven Mitt by ICUP, Inc – Take power over your cooking with all of the infinity gems in your oven mitt!

Exclusive Dragonball Z Shenron Plush Keychain by Sureal Entertainment – not only do you get a Dragonball, but you get a dragon as well. Dragonball Z may be old, but it is still well loved.

Quest Loot Crate Zine & Pin – This months zine was more interesting than previous months. Articles relating to each item that came in this Power Loot Crate accompanied the item descriptions. This makes me want to read about the item and the related topic. This is a better use of integrating the items into the zine rather than segregating them into a loot crate item section.
This month’s Loot pin DLC unlocks some rare loot in the newly released game, Battleborn. This is a great bonus for such a new game.
Power Loot Crate Final Thoughts
I was a little hopeful that there would have been Power Rangers merchandise in this Power Loot Crate, but I ended up disappointing myself. That’s ok. The items in this crate are pretty decent for what they are. I can definitely find some use for the Infinity Gauntlet Oven Mitt. The Hulk figure is definitely a good display piece. One can never have too many t-shirts, so I’ll be wearing the World of Warcraft shirt. Let’s see what surprises next month’s Loot Crate brings us.
I’ll give this crate a 4 power bars out of 5.
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