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Kill It With Fire VR Review

Kill It With Fire VR Review – Kill The Spiders

with frying pans, flame throwers, or anything else you can think of....

Let’s get started on this Kill It With Fire VR Review.

What is Kill It With Fire VR?

Kill It With Fire VR is a VR simulation, destruction game. You are presented with basic rooms and somewhere nearby spiders will be lurking. You are tasked with hunting them down and then destroying them by any means necessary – fire, guns, frying pans, books, flower pots, and more.

CaseyDonnellan - Kill It With Fire VR Review - Kill The SpidersWho Makes Kill It With Fire VR?

Kill It With Fire VR is developed by Casey Donnellan. They are an Austin Texas-based developer who previously worked at Rooster Teeth. Kill It With Fire VR is his first VR game release.

Which VR Headsets is Kill It With Fire VR On?

You can play Kill It With Fire VR on Steam VR and Meta Quest 2.

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Kill It With Fire VR Review Gameplay

Had a bad day with your boss or co-workers? A fight with your significant other? Taking out your frustrations on pesky, sneaky little spiders is very therapeutic. Kill the spiders with fire, or whatever else you can find!

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Kill It With Fire VR offers a fun and destructive VR game and experience. Everything in the game is pretty simple. You enter locations and hunt for hidden spiders. The spiders will make chittering noises in your ear and you will have to track them down.

Sometimes the spiders will be in plain sight, like on top of stuff, but more often than not, these tiny terrors will be in secret, unexpected places, such as under the toilet lid. Once a spider is found, the music will intensify and you will have a short time to hunt it down and kill it.

You can squish it with absolutely anything you see around you. Books, picture frames, toilet brushes, plants, and more. You also will unlock various destructive weapons as you continue to play and this is really where the fun of the game is.

Although it is amusing to use a stack of books to squash spiders, utilizing a flamethrower powered by hairspray is something else. This is where the game truly shines. As you progress through the levels and kill more spiders you will be able to unlock certain areas that will grant access to new and unique types of weapons.

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You will also have a list of tasks that you are required to go through. Successfully doing all the tasks will grant unique weapons as well. There are some challenges like killing this many spiders with a certain item or within a certain time limit.

One of the better parts of the game is the use of VR. You can aim your hands at any object near you and pull it towards you. This is helpful to get the surprise spiders.

Each level of the game is set in a different part of the house like the bedroom, living room, or garden area. The graphics are bright and colorful and make this an almost Minecraft-like experience with its low poly graphic textures. This doesn’t really take away from the game though, It keeps it fun and light-hearted which is what you need when dealing with sneaky spiders and flamethrowers.

Kill It With Fire VR Controls

Kill It With Fire VR’s controls are very straightforward. You move with your joysticks. When you find a spider to kill you will simply throw whatever is in your hand at it or use it like a hammer and squish it.

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You also can cycle through your various weapons and pull up your task list with the button.

Kill It With Fire VR Really Cool Stuff

There are also various sound cues coming from all around you.  This can be quite unnerving even if you are not fearful of spiders. A truly creepy-crawly moment was at one point a spider crawled up my virtual arm while I was reaching for something to throw and I could swear I could feel its creepy legs in real life!

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TForTeen - Kill It With Fire VR Review - Kill The SpidersWho Will Enjoy Playing Kill It With Fire VR VR?

Kill It With Fire VR is rated T for Teens. There are violent themes as you are running around with weapons and killing spiders. There is no blood as the spiders bleed a green color.

This is a great game to show people new to VR. It’s a great game to watch other people play as they move around and track down those spiders.

What Games are similar to Kill It With Fire VR?

Kill It With Fire VR is similar to Drunkn Bar Fight, Job Simulator, and Gorilla Tag.

How long is Kill It With Fire VR?

The entire game can be completed in about 3 – 5 hours. There is a small amount of replayability in that if you didn’t get all the tasks completed in a level you can replay it. You can also try and beat your score.

Overall, Killing Spiders is really all you are here to do and it can be a pretty short experience.

Can you play Kill It With Fire VR Sitting Down?

Yes! Kill It With Fire VR can be played sitting down. You do not need a large play space or room movement.

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Does Kill It With Fire VR cause motion sickness?


Kill It With Fire VR has in-game movement. You will be moving around a house with joystick controls and snap turning. You also have the ability to tweak the controls a bit.

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Kill It With Fire VR is Moderate for Motion Sickness which means some users may get motion sickness feelings. 

Final Thoughts On Kill It With Fire VR Review. Is Kill It With Fire VR Worth It?

Kill It With Fire VR is Worth it!

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Liam Watson

cool game that kills spiders it’s a game that has a sale for 10$ and 49$

Liam Watson


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