Game Of Vampires Arena Guide – How to Win in Arena

Let’s get started on the Game Of Vampires Arena Guide. Are you having trouble figuring out this one of the best ways to get talent in the game? We got you!
First of all Make sure you have checked out our other guides on Basic Resources, and how to pick the best wardens to level so we are on the same page.
As your Lord level increases, you will have more chances to re-roll the Warden who is doing the battle.
Table of Contents
Come up with your Top 10 Wardens
Note: This is one style of game play. Yours may be different. Choose what is fun to you.
First, you want to come up with your list of top 10 Dominance Wardens. Why 10? Because you will have 10 wardens battle in Rite Of War, and a bunch more in catacombs. ANY warden in your top 10 will ultimately benefit from leveling.
You DO want to focus on your top 4, but the odds may be that you don’t get your top 4 every go round. How you play here is up to you, but at least being aware of your top 10 when they come up as being a choice is a good idea in Game Of Vampires Arena.
You can do this by sorting by their Total Attributes under the Warden Screen.
This also means you should level up your top 10 in the gym as much as possible. Keep your top 4 going, and try to rotate any remaining spots among your top 10 wardens.
What Skill Points Do I Level Up in Game Of Vampires Arena?
All Wardens have the same skills and they all max at 200 each.
HP- Blood Bond: You need HP to stay in the fight. HP is important to a certain point, but your attributes (Dominance) will help keep this number high.
Attack- Savage Acolyte: The attack happens for each thing you do. It is wise to level up the Attack. Attack is based on your total successful Talents. (171 in the Gilgamesh picture above)
Crit Chance-Surgical Strike: Critical chance can allow you to do a lot of damage to your opponents rapidly. Crit chance is independent and not based on any of your stats. Even a low-level warden with nothing but crit chance and crit damage could likely take out a high-level player.
Crit Damage- Unleashed Power: If you don’t put enough in Crit damage, you can actually crit for LESS than a basic attack! This is really bad news. Make sure you are leveling both Crit chance and Crit Damage somewhat equally to have it make sense.
I recommend leveling your HP and Attack to at least level 50 and then Investing in Crit and Crit Chance for a bit. If the wardens in your top 10 have NO additional attributes or talents, it may be best to put EVERYTHING in crit chance. ( I.e. – You did the strategy of only leveling a few guys past level 60 – all your talents and resources will be in just those 4 people, then it makes sense to only level crit and crit chance. If you leveled and put various resources into more than just 4 people, this strategy may not make much sense.)
1 line summary – Whoever you are putting skills points on NEEDS to have attributes and talents for their HP and attack skills to matter.
The Math for Arena in Game Of Vampires
There is a very complicated Math formula to determine how these bonus points affect your numbers. All credit to DAXANA in the main GOV discord for this formula –
The tooltip explaining how HP and ATK are calculated for arena is wrong.
Example: Victor shows 1.02M HP and 13.33k ATK. He has 819.27k total attributes and 108 total talents. He has 25% boost to HP and 23.5% boost to ATK from his skills.
HP = .81927 + (.81927 X .25) = 1.02M
ATK = [108 + (108 X .235)] X 100 = 13.33k
So when You get in Arena… What do I Do?
You must select a warden, so if it is early in the day, try re-rolling until you get one of your top 10. Hopefully, a top 4.
Once the battle starts, you will have the option to buy a bonus buff that is only for this battle with Arena points.
The order should be:
- Attack 2, then Attack 1
- Critical Bonus 2, then Critical Bonus 1
- Healing depends on your health. If you have lots of arena points, feel free to heal yourself up.
So… Always get Attack first, Crit chance second, and healing not for the first half of your health unless you have to (2 healing shows up).
Should You Heal in Game Of Vampires Arena?
Try to hold off on healing as it doesn’t super benefit you (except if you are rapidly dying). If the attack comes up and healing comes up, go for attack… pretty much most of the time. Each attack on your opponent will benefit from an attack bonus. If crit damage vs healing and you are less than 50% health, this is where you might want to pick healing. Always pick Attack unless you are almost dead.
Which Opponents Warden’s Should I Attack?
General Advice
- Most people have generally invested in the same people that you have. It should be in an order similar to what you have. There’s going to be slight differences here and there. But if you have a choice between, say, one of the new coin characters and a level 2 character that is the same color…. Pick the level 2 first.
- VIPs (paid/coin characters) are generally going to be more invested than older characters. If you see someone you don’t have, pick a level 2(Drusilla, Edward, Rollo, Asra, Lucian, Saber, Mortimer, Nikolai, Sarasvati) before their VIP.(Artemis, Finn, Tomas, Rudra, Woden, Frederick, Cleo, Aurelia, William, Victor)
- Don’t spend diamonds. No need. (Unless, of course, you want to!)
- Most people’s top damages are Gilgamesh, Rudra, Thomas, Carmilla, Ulfred, Victor (these are not the best choices, just my experience, what people seem to pick at the top)
People play in several different ways.
Try and Get as Far As Possible Strategy
- You should always be picking the lowest color choice. – Grey > Green > Blue > Purple > Orange > Red
- This Strategy will allow you to get the most buffs.
- Pick as much attack and Crit buffs as you can before you have to attack their top Wardens.
Auto Battle
- Auto battle is really not great because you don’t get to pick the best buffs ( Listed above). Try not to do it unless you are using a lower-quality guy and just trying to get through quickly or you don’t have time.
- Do Not Recommend.
Mix It Up Strategy (Thanks Ren)
- Instead of constantly picking the lowest color all the way up to get the most bonuses before you fight their top players…. Fight ONE higher-level player after you get a few bonuses.
- This will allow you to heal more and return to attacking the lowest level again for a while.
- When back to 75% or so… pick another high level.
- This Strategy takes SOME risk as they may be able to finish you off sooner, but ultimately allows you to fight higher guys spaced out with healing in between instead of back to back with no ability to heal.
Try out all 3 of these different Strategies to See How you Like them.
Arena Flags… When to Use them?
Arena flags are actually pretty rare and expensive. These are an easy thing to save up and use during a Arena event with your server.
If you don’t want to spend money, you can also purchase these arena packs during the event with diamonds.
Final Thoughts In Game Of Vampires Arena
Game Of Vampires Arena is an often overlooked part of the game, but you can greatly increase your talents