Game of Vampires Resources Guide
A guide explaining Game of Vampries Attributes, Prestige, Power, and Dominance

Let’s get started on this Game Of Vampires Resources Guide. This guide will explain Game of Vampires Attributes, Prestige, Power, Dominance, and how to get them.
If you are just starting out in Game of Vampires or you’ve been playing for several months and are still unsure how to level up, we’ve got you! We will start with the very basics, outlining everything you need to level, and then move into more advanced topics like What Wardens you should choose to level.
Big hat top to Veidrykt Julie for much of what this guide was based on!
First, There are three main areas(and attributes) to level up in Game of Vampires…. Attributes, Prestige, Power, and Dominance.
Table of Contents
What are the attributes: Strength, Allure, Intellect, and Spirit. These things have different impacts on the resources you collect in the game.
What Resources Do:
- Blood: Used for leveling up Wardens and Tarot
- Nectar: Used to claim Bats. 1 Nectar for 1 Bat, Rasing luck in Mascarade. donations in Nightwings
- Bats: Used for Explore and Cursed Ruins.
What Attributes do:
- Strength: Decreases Bats used. Increases Dominance. Talent/Books increase Power.
- Allure: Increases Blood generated from the Castle. Increases Dominance.
- Intellect: Increases Nectar generated from the Castle. Increases Dominance.
- Spirit: Increases Bats generated from the Castle. Increases Dominance.
Important Tip: Keep your Nectar production(Intellect) higher than your Bat production(Spirit). Otherwise, you will constantly be running out of Nectar.
What Prestige is: Prestige is a crucial element in the game. It is the XP that impacts your Lord Protector Level.
What Prestige Does: It unlocks wardens, prevents you from being booted at the conclave tables, and provides various other boosts throughout the game.
You get Prestige from:
- Ruler of the Night (if you select that option)
- Explore
- Cursed Ruins
- League
- Web of Shadows [when you complete a region]
- Pools in Underworld
- Prestige Boxes (found in Guild & Banquet stores, sometimes in event Achievements)
Total Prestige is shown on your profile: Your Prestige returns to 0 after each protector level until it climbs to the next Lord Protector Level.
What Power is: Power is how strong you hit. Each of your Warden will have a different, unique power.
What Power Does: Power determines how much you hit in fishing, dark chasm, bloodtide, and exploration.
You Get Power From:
- Warden Level
- Strength Talents
- Strength warden skins
- Encyclopedias, if they randomly boost strength
- Warfare Books
- Note – Scalet Bond DOES NOT count toward power
The Exact math for the math folks:
(Warden Level) x 20 x (Total Strength Talents) + 100 x (Strength Book Bonus) ^ 0.5 *[Credit to EUs56 Khena]*
Total Power is shown on your profile: Sum of all your Warden’s Power. (This is what is used in Ghost Hunting Event)
What Dominance is: Dominance is the total of all your attributes and intimacy score. It is split into two groups – Warden Dominance and Intamcy Dominance.
What Dominance Does: The higher the number, the more resources generated from the Castle. The fewer bats you will need in Explore. Dominance is used for damage in Rite of War, Nightwings Race, and Arena.
You Get Warden Dominance From:
- Warden Level
- Warden Talents
- Books
- Aura
- Scarlet Bond
- Skill Tree
- Skins
You get Intamcy Dominance from:
- Training Children
- Marrying Children ( You get all the stats from the person they marry)
When you train/marry children, your total attributes as the warden who birthed the children will also level up.
Total Dominance is shown on Profile: The total of all your warden’s attributes.
For the complete How to Increase your Dominace in Game of Vampire’s Walkthrough, click here.
Which Should I Focus On?
This will come down to your play style. Some users want to focus only on Dominance, and some want a mix of Power and Dominance. There is no right or wrong answer. Your role in your specific guild might even guide you to pick differently here. If you are not sure which is right for you, we will explore it in the next Chapter.
Now that we understand the areas you level up, we must discuss the Potential of the various Wardens…. Stay tuned for Part 2!
Final Thoughts on Game of Vampires Resources Guide
This beginner’s guide breaks down all the different resources and parts of the Game of Vampires, including attributes, resources, power, dominance, and prestige. We will continue to explore these areas in greater detail in the next few guides, so stay tuned!