Game Of Vampires How to Play Rite Of War
The weekly game sure is confusing

Game of Vampires How to play Rite of War successfully guide. In this second part of our Rite of War series, we will discuss the important steps and parts that people need when playing this weekly game. Let’s get right into it.
This event is extremely PAY TO WIN. BE aware.
Part one of this guide is here for the very basics of ROW.
Table of Contents
Three Paths to Rewards
We need to start off with a few clear definitions of things here in part 2. There are 3 different rankings each week during ROW, some give rewards weekly, some don’t happen until the end of the season and each has a personal AND a guild rank.
Season Ranking
These are the week-to-week totals finalized at the end of a four-week period (The Season). You only get these rewards once; they are the “big main” rewards.If you want to be number 1, you need ALL of your guild members to participate and understand what battle points are and how to get them. (more to come on this)
Personal is YOUR total of PERSONAL BATTLE POINTS added up from the whole season.
The Guild’s total is each guild member’s TOTAL BATTLE POINTS PER PERSON added up.
Single Game Ranking
Single game Personal Ranking – Each week, this score resets and starts over. This score is separate from the building points. How well you do on the single-game ranking is based on YOUR PERSONAL BATTLE POINTS, NOT building points.
Single-game Guild Ranking – Each week, this is a ranking for the guild with the most BUILDING POINTS. You get building points for each item (grass, outpost, fortress, tower, gates) that you own at the end of the map and ONLY at the end of the map. This is the ONLY THING IN ALL OF ROW, that has to do with how much of the map and what buildings you hold.
Building Points and the Redeem Store
The Building points are ONLY used to redeem things in the store. You get these building points when you FIRST take a title or building and at the END of the match only. That is it. Taking an existing title or building will not give you BUILDING POINTS.
These points will carry over week after week till the end of the season.
Supreme Ranking
Supreme Personal Ranking – This is another week-to-week reset. Each week, you will need to score a MINIMUM of 20k of PERSONAL BATTLE POINTS, and you will rank on the Supreme Ranking List. If you do not hit 20k, you will not appear on the list and get no rewards.
Supreme Rank Guild Ranking – Each week this also resets. It totals the guild members who hit 20k or above and scores them by the most PERSONAL BATTLE POINTS PER GUILD that week.
Ok so hopefully we can now see that although ROW feels like you need to take over the whole map, what ACTUALLY gets you the most rewards is Personal Battle Points not Building Points. Out of the 6 ranking spots above only 1 is for BUILDING POINTS all the rest are PERSONAL BATTLE POINTS.
You get Personal Battle Points when you consume stamina, and ONLY when you consume stamina. You get 400 Personal Battle Points when you use one stamina. It does not matter if you attack a piece of grass, a tower, or outpost or gate.
One stamina used gets you 400 PERSONAL BATTLE POINTS. You do NOT get any points for defending, healing, holding buildings, taking buildings backwell, etc. JUST stamina used.
There are two exceptions to this rule.
- If you attack a real human player with stamina, you get slightly more personal battle points. This number seems to fluctuate depending on how successful you are in battle and some other variables I am still very much trying to hammer out the math on. It is safe to say you get more than 400 at this point, but how much more varies.
- If you attack the disruptor, you only get 380 PERSONAL BATTLE POINTS.
Ok, So what does all this mean.
You want to hit 20k of PERSONAL BATTLE POINTS. You can spend some real money to get lots of stamina and hit that easily. You can also purchase the diamond packs that are available in the event store. If you do NOT do either, you will NEVER rank on the Supreme ranking list and get those extra and better rewards.
1)You need to focus on getting 20k PERSONAL BATTLE POINTS each game of ROW, and so should every member of your guild.
2) You should never attack the disruptor unless every square on the map is taken and you are about to waste stamina. Or that is all the other guilds will let you
3) You get a very small amount of rewards for achievements like “taking an outpost” a number of times or other things, but Overall, these are pretty minimal.
How to Play Rite of War in Game of Vampires
So all this means is that your absolute BEST BET for getting the maximum amount of PERSONAL BATTLE POINTS is agreeing with the other teams to exchange deaths on grass tiles. It might take a little coordination to figure out who can kill and who can do what, but the best way to win at ROW is to get every team member to kill the enemy team.
If you can come up with an agreement about doing this back and forth on grass with members of equal levels, you will be hitting the supreme board in no time. This requires NO money just the free stamina used and a little communication that can be done in the Cross server channel. The diplomacy required to get the other team to this guide and understand this concept will be the ultimate ROW champion skills.
Final Thoughts On Game Of Vampires How to Play Rite Of War
Rite of War is definitely a confusing part of Game of Vampires. We have spent the time to break the math down and hopefully explain a little better what you should be focusing on in this weekly repeating part of the game to get the most benefit.
Good luck to you and your guild!