Game of Vampires Rite Of War Guide

Let’s get started on this Game of Vampires Rite Of War Guide.
Table of Contents
- 1 Preparing for Battle – Registration Stage
- 2 Game of Vampires Rite Of War Roles – Preparation Stage
- 3 When the Rite of War Battle Starts – Battle Stage
- 4 Important Tips
- 5 There are 2 phases of Battle.
- 6
- 7 How Attacking Works in Game Of Vampires Rite Of War?
- 8 The Health of The Buildings
- 9
- 10 Remember to Cash Your Rewards- Reward Stage
- 11 Final thoughts on Game of Vampires Rite Of War Guide
Preparing for Battle – Registration Stage
As long as a minimum of 5 members register, ALL Guild members will be able to participate when the map opens. The more tasks your guild unlocks, the more roles your guild will have in the upcoming battle. You will also get rewards that members of the guild can receive for things like movement and stamina. These expire every week, so be sure to use them for each battle.
Game of Vampires Rite Of War Roles – Preparation Stage
When Rite of War starts the Guildmaster and the Officers have the ability to place users into various roles. This should be done based on your guild members’ time availability and play style. Here are the additional bonuses the roles have.
Dominator – 1 role (Defensive) – Commander
Dominator Aura – Grant all allies in the same building 5% Bonus Max HP. The Dominator’s location will be highlighted on the battlefield.
Quick Response – Ally travel time 50% when marching to a building stationed by a Dominator
Who This Role Is For: This user should have a moderate amount of Dominance. The most important thing is that they need to be on all day and keep track of where battles are happening. They should also be able to move quickly to owned buildings so tanks can get there faster to defend. They technically can move next to major targets on offense as well, so the Strikers and Reapers can get there faster as well.
Sentinel – 4 roles (Tank) – Defense
Fortified Defense – Max Hp +10% when stationed in a building
Who This Role Is For:(Dominance Matters) -Defensive Role – These users will need to be available to go defend. Dominator will tell you where to go and Defend owned buildings from those attacking.
Striker – 4 roles (Damage/Big Explode Bombers) – Offensive
Charge Forward – Deal 20% of the opponent’s current HP as damage at the beginning of a battle
Who This Role Is For: These users may die frequently. They are expected to go in and do damage. They may die repeatedly. That is their role. Also could be HIGHER dominance and willing to spend diamonds to refresh HP. Also should be able to go to main offensive battles as pointed out by dominator.
Reaper – 4 roles (Finisher/ Assassins) – Offensive
Triumphant Squad – Recover 25% lost HP after defeating an enemy team
Who This Role Is For:(Dominance Matters) – These should likely be the biggest dominance. They will go all over the map and do last hits to keep going and take over more with HP refreshing WITHOUT diamonds. Also should be available to go to main battles as offensive as pointed out by dominator.
Warriors – Everyone else – Offensive/Defensive
All remaining guild members will have no special abilities.
When the Rite of War Battle Starts – Battle Stage
Rite of War starts, and the Map opens at 10am EST to 10pm EST… battle starts at 8pm, same as Titan for the Citadel. Those are the key hours for the one day Battle of Game of Vampires Rite of War.
Each of 4 guilds starts in a corner of the map at their camp. The camp can’t be touched by other guilds. There are some forts around the map. The bigger the fort, the more defenses and the more points it provides. You want to move your warden teams around the map to capture territory. Land, small forts, medium forts, and big forts can be captured.
During the final 2 hours of battle (starting when Chiropteran Titan attacks), the center citadel unlocks. This has a gate on each of the four sides. Each has the highest defenses and most points of any location on the map. Owning all four gives even more points to the owning guild.
Important Tips
- The Dominance of your top 10 players is used in your team. You can put all your heavy hitters in one team or split your powerful leads between two teams. It is up to you and your role how best to sort your teams.
- Stamina isn’t used to move; it’s used to fight. Before capturing a location your Guild doesn’t own, click to view how many defenders are on it (including AI and enemy Guild members). You will need one stamina for each defender. Your troop also needs to have more power than the total power of all defenders. You’ll be sent away from the location if you run out of stamina or power. It may be best to move “right next door” and then do your attacking plans in Game Of Vampires Rite of War.
- Players obtain points for Stamina used. Guilds obtain points for buildings owned at the end of the event. First Claim provides rewards to the person who takes over the buildings first.
There are 2 phases of Battle.
1 Explore the map and take over buildings
2 Attack Citadel Gates and Own Citadel, then defend it.
How Attacking Works in Game Of Vampires Rite Of War?
There are 2 things required for each attack move you make in Rite of Ware Game of Vampires. Stamina and the HP of your team. You need BOTH to claim the tile or building.
Not Enough Stamina -If you do not have enough stamina, you will be turned away and sent back to where you came from. If this happens, you CAN redirect to a closer tile your guild owns for free. Don’t go all the way back across the map!
Not Enough Health – If you have enough stamina but not enough HP, you will lose the stamina, and that team will die with a 15-minute cooldown timer. It will return with full HP, so this is a helpful thing to do so your guild can meet goals, and YOU can get full HP back in 15 minutes without diamonds.
You can scout to see if you have enough health/Stamina on these buildings for free once an hour.
If someone attacks the building and removes one of the guards, stamina and the total building will go down by 1 guard, as shown in these screenshots.
Each time a building is taken over by another team ALL THESE GUARDS RESET.
The Health of The Buildings
Here is the stats as far as I can tell.
Plains /Grass – 1 Stamina / 19.09K Health
Outpost I – 3 Stamina / 4.23M Health
Tower II – 5 Stamina / 11.51M HP
Fortress – 7 Stamina / 6.19M
Citadel Gate – 9 Stamina / 78.67M HP X 4
Remember to Cash Your Rewards- Reward Stage
Items expire each week. So use those in game speed up potions and stamina refreshs up. Your Guild Points can be saved for the following week. You may want to try and save for the guild item donation award as those are RARE and will help you in future guild ranking events to get ahead. There will also be coins and other valuable items.
Final thoughts on Game of Vampires Rite Of War Guide
Depending on your guild, the availability of the members, and the roles they are assigned, how you tackle this will be different. Stay Tuned for Part 2 of the Game of Vampires Rite Of War Guide.