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How to Create a Farm Account in Last Shelter Survival

How to Create a Farm Account in Last Shelter Survival? Why do you want a farm account in Last Shelter Survival? Simple. Tasty, easy resources. Many states have NAP in effect (Non-attack protocol) of other members in the state. How are you supposed to build up your accounts without spending tons of money? Easy – create some free farm accounts with this easy guide and you will be able to feast off of your efforts. I assure you your neighboring state and alliance already are. 🙂 Let’s get to it!

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Creating a farm account in Last Shelter Survival

You have two choices for the initial setup of a new account. Playing a new account on Your PC with Bluestacks, or making sure your Main account is bound to an IM30 Account that you 100% know the password to and creating a new account on your phone.

How to reset your password for IM30 accounts

If you are not 1000% sure of the password on your main account (or even if you are but want to make EXTRA sure you don’t lose the account!), Take a moment and reset it right now so you can write it down. Last Shelter doesn’t have a forgot password option once you are logged out of the account, so this step is VERY important. We don’t want you losing that main account.


Reset your password by opening up your main account.

  • Go to the Middle Power Tab at the top and then select ‘Account’.
  • Tap ‘Bind Account’ and then the first option which should say IM30 Binding Successful. Select this one.
  • In the IM30 account screen you should have options for a PIN code setting and an option to change your password. Change your password here, and then you will need to verify via email. You have only 15 minutes to do this.
  • Make sure and write the password down so you don’t have to do it again. 🙂

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Option 1 – Setup On PC – Download Bluestacks for easier PC playing (Optional but recommended)

If you would like to play on a desktop/laptop PC instead of on your phone all the time you can download Bluestacks. This is a free android emulator that makes it appear as if you are playing on your phone, but the game will be on your PC instead. You can add this account to your phone later on too. If you just want to have all the accounts on your phone, skip to Option 2.

Last Shelter Survival : Research Tips Wednesday

Once downloaded and installed you will need to Sign in to the play store with your Google account. Once done go download Last Shelter Survival. When you open it up you will be placed in a new Survivor account automatically. I will show you how to put this account on your phone in a few steps. For now All set!

Option 2 – Setup On Phone – Creating a new account on Your Phone

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If you are playing just on your phone, you will need to create a new account. Click on the power number middle tab, then Account, then Create a new account. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE BINDED YOUR ACCOUNT TO AN IM30 ACCOUNT ALREADY AND YOU KNOW THE PASSWORD. IM30 does not a password reset function if you are already logged out of the account, so MAKE SURE you remember and know the passwords for all the accounts you have, or make. If not, see above for how to reset your password before you create a new  account on your phone. **VERY IMPORTANT OR YOU COULD LOSE YOUR ACCOUNT**

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Getting started with your Farm Account

Step 1 – Play Tutorial to Base Level 2 (5 minutes or less)

You will then start the tutorial mode in a new state, with a fresh, brand new, unbinded account as a SurvivorBunchOfNumbersandLetters.

You will need to follow along with the tutorial until you upgrade your base to level 2. You will now be able to click on your power number in the top middle, then click on Account. You will want to bind this new account to a NEW IM30 account.

Step 2 – Creating a NEW IM30 Account

Each Last Shelter account will need a unique email to bind to the IM30 Account. If you have a Gmail account you can create many variations of your same Gmail so you won’t actually need multiple emails. For example:

account 1 –

account 2 –

account 3

Each of these accounts will still go to your main Gmail account. If you happen to have multiple emails, you could use that also. You will need to click on the verify email link(sometimes appears in “updates” in Gmail or spam folder) and make sure you write down your password for the new account.

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Add multiple Last Shelter accounts to the same device (like your phone)

You should now have the ability to log in between these multiple accounts.

  • Again, click on your power in the top, middle screen.
  • Then click switch account.
  • Then IM30 account.
  • The page will allow you to ‘add account’ at the bottom.
  • Enter your new farm accounts email and password. The email address actually seem to be CaSe SenSaTive.

There will be some scary screens that say “Previous account data found are you sure you want to overwrite?” And you want to say yes. The only thing that will be “overwritten” is that it downloads the farm version of your account to your device or bluestacks. Your main account will still be unharmed, complete, and linked to your main email im30 account.  This main account and your farm account will now be listed under Switch account -> IM30 account-> account list.. There they all are and you can switch between them as much as you need to now that you have set this all up. YAY. Phew. Still with me?

Last Shelter Survival - Gathering Monday Tips for COZ Event


Back to the farms.

Goals of Farm Accounts in Last Shelter

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Your initial goal is to get your farm account to level 10. People have various strategies for doing this, but mine was to join our existence alliance because my state has some non-NAP meanies in it and we had a few extra spots. Eventually, when enough people on your team create farm accounts you will be able to start your own alliance with the farms. Many states include the farms as a part of NAP 10 without them taking a spot or requiring them to BE in the top 10. Again, this is all about getting resources.

Step by Step Walkthrough of Creating a farm Account in Last Shelter

You will be starting in a foreign state that is not where your main account is. You will need to progress through the tutorial and get your base to level 5, but NO higher. We will teleport it to your home state before you upgrade your base to level 6. You want to focus on only building the required buildings to level, and you don’t need ANY troops. Don’t worry about attacking Zombies or other players beyond where you have to, to progress the tutorial. You will be shielded up to level 6.

Which buildings do I level up on my Last Shelter Farm Account?

1st priority

  • Iron resource plots
  • Banks
  • Houses
  • Windmill to where you are positive in your energy storage without power plants

2nd priority

  • All other resources plots except water

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You will also need these buildings to level up

You need these buildings to level up your base, so you should work on keeping them upgraded along with your resources as you continue to level so you aren’t stuck upgrading one building all at once. Anything not on this list or above you don’t need to be leveling or building…

Bunk, Hospital, Lumbermill, Farm, shooting range, bank, embassy, garrison hall, power plant.

The levels for these have changed a few times over the course of the game but these are generally what you should be focusing on.

Which Research on my Last Shelter Farm Account?

You want to do research but only in Rapid Production and City Development. You don’t need anything in the military or combat. Rapid production up to paradigm shift first, then city development. Focus on whichever resources you are lower on.

Various important Tips and Tricks for Last Shelter Survival

2019 06 11 1 - How to Create a Farm Account in Last Shelter Survival

No Food Hack in Last shelter Survival

Unless a population is required to meet a goal (like upgrading a base), you don’t need to have food and water in your ration truck. This will cause your bank to produce slightly less money, hovering at around 80% effectively. But really.. that’s pretty good to never have to put water or food in there again.

Last Shelter Survival Hero Development Trick

Sell Water for Money

Since water is ONLY used in the resource truck (and for some resource upgrades) you should be selling this for money when the helicopter comes. Your other resources will be harder to get so try and get this to a level that fills your storage for those money helicopter times.

Minimal Electricity Hack in Last Shelter Survival

Any buildings that are not being used, simply remove the road that attaches to them so they don’t consume electricity. (This works on your main account too) Bunks, Vehicle garages, All the class buildings, Garrison,  Rocket launchers, Training Barracks, Hospitals, Radar, Headquarters,  Garrison Hall,  All of the Power Plants (unless you are using them) are all things that you can keep off to the side until you need to upgrade them or use them. Anything you unlock from them will still be useful even if they have no electricity. Your radar will still work at the level you have upgraded to even if it isn’t getting electricity for example. The radar only needs to be attached to the road when you are upgrading it.  This combined with the Food hack above can be tweaked out so the base will sustain itself and you won’t need to keep logging in to it.

How to teleport your farm account to your Home State in Last Shelter Survival

Before your base is level 6, (you can do it right away after you bind the account) you need to use your free newbie teleport to get back to your main state.  This will be under items. Go to the world map, Then the BIG world map, you will be able to click on the search and go to your home state. Click anywhere on the map in your home state and you will be able to use the once time only state teleport feature. You will randomly be assigned a place on the map and maintain your newbie shield.

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I joined my home alliance, got my free alliance teleport, and then transported near my home team. Once these accounts reach level 10, simply change their class to raider, make sure no one is defending and you don’t have a tower on electricity, and then Farm away! A lot of these specific details will depend if your state is fighting with each other or not, but the basic details are here

Now you know how to make a farm account in Last Shelter

Share this article with your alliance so they can start making farm accounts too and you will win in your state and against others 😀

Now get started on getting your base to level 10!



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